Year-to-Date Strategy Stats as of today:
+9.51% : Turner Quant Advantage (TQA)
+2.67% : Tactical Growth (TG)
+3.00% : Diversified Income (DIS)
+0.55% : Leveraged Index (LI)
+4.70% : S&P 500
It is simply dang cold way down South in Texas! Rolling blackouts for the last several days and multiple times today have been almost impossible to deal with. Fortunately, I have staff who live in other parts of the US where the blackouts are not happening.
Yes... I know... all of my Northern clients must think we are a bunch of wimps with a week of storms, sheets of ice and no electrical power. Even our top-notch TDA support team has been hurt since our group is located in Ft. Worth. Fortunately, the fallback is a group in California... but, they've been having rolling blackouts, too. So far, the backups have all been working.
Let me give you a quick update...
I did a little buying today in TQA, TG and DIS. Was planning to do more in TQA and TG, but the market did not hold onto its bullish trend as the day progressed. Keep in mind that regardless of what Bank of America thinks or what Bullard thinks or the Reddit group thinks... this market is way, way overbought (overvalued for you hard-cord fundamentalists out there) and I am just not overly interested in buying at the top. The problem is, no one knows when the top will occur. It could have happened today or it might not happen for another year or two or more.
What's our motto?? The trend will continue... until... it... doesn't. And, we have not hit the all-important, "doesn't", yet.
The overnight futures are looking a little weak, but that can all change in the morning. If the weakness holds, I will not be buying unless the opportunity becomes too great to pass up.
I am delighted with how the strategies are performing; especially TQA and DIS. But, I am optimistic that the other two will come along with a bit more time.
We are keeping stops updated and updating those stops multiple times a day if the trend of each holding supports the moves higher. Our goal is to get stops above basis as quickly as we can in this overbought market.
I have already heard from many of you that wanted to know when the Client Letter is coming out. I'll have the next one on your desktop by this coming Monday. Thank you for your patience. I will not be sending out a Client Letter this week. The holiday and the blackouts have put me a bit too far behind in my writing to pull that one off during the rest of this week.
Oh... one more thing... A lot of clients are funding their accounts this week. New money is being scaled in to the strategies. We are putting about 20% to work this week for new capital and will (likely) continue that scaling in strategy for the next few weeks.
Stay safe. Stay warm. We are manning the fort come rain or sleet or dread of night (or market)!