Most Investors Assume it is either Buy and Hold... or Risky Market Timing
The Right Alternative to Mainstream Financial Services Companies
The mainstream, well-known, financial services companies have done a masterful job of indoctrinating the investing public into believing there are only two ways to put money into the stock market:
Remain in high-quality stocks and funds all the time, regardless of the current market trend. They promote the truism that if you stay in the market 'for the long haul' and invest in high-quality equities, you will eventually be rewarded with strong, lifetime returns. Their mantra is, "the market always comes back!" They also promote the misconception that only weak or high-risk day-traders move into and out of the market; that the wealthiest investors and the smartest investors are those that buy-and-hold... and never concern themselves with whether their personal portfolio is losing or making money. These 'brand-name' financial firms want you to believe that they and only they, have the best minds; the smartest minds; working tirelessly at keeping your money in the hands of only the highest rated mutual fund managers in the world... and,
If you are so desperate to make money in the stock market that you are willing to gamble with actively managed, market-timing (aka, "hair-brained") investment strategies, then you are not up to their standards as potential client of theirs. They (the big name financial services firms) will use the results of study after study that "active management" never outperforms passive, buy-and-hold management when considered on a 5 or 10 year perspective. They subtly and with total knowledge of how they are misleading people, lump all investment strategies into these two camps: Smart, buy-and-hold, long-term investing; or high-risk, gun-slinger, short-term market-timing where the investment strategy claims to be able to pick market tops and bottoms... which they rightly claim, cannot be done on a consistent basis.
But, you see... there is another investment strategy that is far better than either one of the above; it is "Market-Directional Investing". The big-name firms do not want you to know about Market-Directional Investing because it is far easier for them to manage a buy-and-hold strategy. The objective of most major investment firms is to collect management fees from their clients and reduce or eliminate the need to actually buy and sell equities in order to capitalize on major market trends. Trend analysis requires hard work, discipline and effective, proven trading rules. It assumes, correctly, that no one can consistently predict market tops or market bottoms. It is the antithesis of high-risk "market-timing" and it is far, far less risky than traditional buy-and-hold investment strategies.
Turner Capital Investments is an industry leader in the world of market-directional investing. The exact "Process" we use is described here. But, in essence, the concept is simple: If the market is in a bullish trend, the investment bias for our clients is bullish. If the market is in a neutral condition; the investment bias for our clients is neutral (typically this means holding cash). If the market is in a bearish trend, the investment bias is bearish (typically this means holding cash and inverse ETFs). We never keep clients in fundamentally strong stocks that can be crushed in a bear market. We buy-and-hold only as long as the trend is bullish. When that trend reverses, we move our client to cash; and if that trend continues to move into a longer-term bear market, we focus our clients on inverse ETFs that move up as the market moves down.
We are making a major impact in the world of long-term capital growth and appreciation. We like to say, "We are long-term investors, one week at a time." Our clients never have to fear a bear market or missing out on bull market runs. We never attempt to guess at the timing of bull market tops or bear market bottoms. But, we constantly measure the current trend of the market and have the technical analysis tools needed to know when a market or equity trend has reversed and it is time to change strategies.